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Unveiling the Silent Crisis: Elder Abuse Among NRIs

Unveiling the Silent Crisis: Elder Abuse Among NRIs

Elder abuse, a troubling global issue, extends beyond borders, impacting vulnerable seniors globally. Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) face unique challenges that intensify this problem because mass migration being the latest phenomenon in India, and as a result, elderly family members are rendered more susceptible to abuse and neglect. This writeup aims to spotlight elder abuse, focusing on the circumstances confronting NRIs and their elderly relatives.

Elders abuse

Elders abuse

Elder abuse encompasses mistreatment directed at seniors, including physical, emotional, financial, and neglectful behaviours. In the NRI context, elderly individuals often find themselves in precarious situations marked by isolation, dependency, cultural disparities, and unfamiliar value and legal systems.

Many NRIs live far away from elderly family members due to work or migration, which increases elders’ reliance on local carers and fosters emotional isolation. The situation is equally bad for skilled migrant parents and those parents who spent their lifetime earnings and sold off their hereditary land properties to send their wards overseas as students who eventually got settled as permanent residents and brought their parents with them.

Cultural nuances significantly influence family dynamics and caregiving expectations, with traditional values potentially clashing with modern dynamics, leading to misunderstandings. The cultural taboos surrounding family issues may deter elders from reporting abuse or seeking assistance.

Financial dependence places elders at risk of exploitation. Of course, even the financially independent elders are equally worse off, as their wards, just out of sheer greed and lethargy or because they may not be able to land in a suitable environment, pressurise them to sign off their properties and savings in their names under duress using various pretexts. Navigating legal systems in these countries poses a formidable challenge for elderly individuals unfamiliar with local laws and resources; however, the moral value system of joint and extended families they lived through does not allow their conscience to go the legal way.

To combat elder abuse among NRIs, a comprehensive approach is imperative. Initiatives to raise awareness about elder abuse and support services are essential. Community outreach programmes are vital for educating families about abuse signs and available resources. Recognising and addressing cultural factors is crucial for intervention. Culturally sensitive support services can bridge gaps and foster understanding within families. Providing accessible legal resources and assistance for NRIs facing elder abuse is fundamental. Establishing platforms to guide individuals through relevant legal processes empowers victims to seek justice and protection. Establishing regular communication channels, such as video calls and online platforms, helps NRIs stay connected with their elderly family members, mitigating the risk of abuse through increased awareness and monitoring.

Elder abuse among NRIs is a multifaceted and urgent issue demanding collaborative efforts from individuals, communities, and governments. By fostering awareness, promoting cultural sensitivity, providing legal support, and encouraging regular communication, we can collectively create a safer and more supportive environment for our elderly family members, ensuring their golden years are characterised by dignity, respect, and the care they rightfully deserve.

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